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Inaugural meeting of the Czech Society for Stable Isotopes

ČSSI 2020: Inaugural meeting of the Czech Society for Stable Isotopes

Umělecko-Vědecká Spolupráce České Společnosti pro Stabilní izotopy / Art-Science collaboration of the Czech Society for Stable Isotopes

Ceske Budejovice

November 11-13, 2020

The inaugural ČSSI 2020 workshop aims (i) to develop communication between stable isotope researchers [in the natural sciences] from Czechia and surrounding countries and (ii) to foster art-science collaborations that will deliver customized graphic designs for public outreach and education. The latter goal will capitalize on the independent talents of artists and scientists to remove barriers in transferring knowledge, specifically via presentation of these posters during the opening ceremony of the workshop (Nov. 11, 2020). This unique component will enable scientists, artists, and the general public to explore the inherent connection between art and science, and to grasp how the latest discoveries by isotope researchers in Czechia and the surrounding countries inform human activity and environmental processes.

This project is co-financed by the Statutory City of České Budějovice.