SoWa Research Infrastructure was merged into the Institute of Soil Biology and Biogeochemistry of the Biological Centre of the CAS, v. v. i.. No further updates will be performed on this website.

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The first Day of Czech Research Infrastructures

The SoWa RI participated at the very first meeting of the national research infrastructures of the Czech Republic which was held in ELI Beamlines,...


PF 2017

Dear colleagues, friends, partners and supporters! We would like to thank you very much for the whole year 2016, for the year when the SoWa Research...


New position: Head of the Laboratory of Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry

Full-time position The Soil & Water Research Infrastructure (SoWa RI) is seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral scientist to lead research in...


New position: Head of the Laboratory of Microbial Ecology of Anaerobic Ecosystems

Full-time position The Soil & Water Research Infrastructure (SoWa RI) is seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral scientist to lead research in...


New position: Postdoctoral Researcher in Aquatic/Terrestrial Biogeochemistry

Full-time position The Soil & Water Research Infrastructure (SoWa RI) is seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral scientist in...


New position: Postdoctoral Researcher in Eddy Covariance and Ecosystem Carbon Budget

Full-time position The Soil & Water Research Infrastructure (SoWa RI) is seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral scientist to operate two eddy...


New position: Quantifying human impacts on freshwater food webs

Open position focusing on the consequences of human impacts on food webs in standing freshwater bodies is available in the group of David Boukal...


New position: Postdoc – Anaerobic and molecular microbiology

The Biology Centre CAS is seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral scientist to investigate the roles anaerobic bacteria and archaea in biogeochemical...


New position: Postdoc – Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry

The Biology Centre CAS is seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral scientist to investigate microbial production of antioxidants and their diagenetic...


ČT Studio 6: ropná skvrna neustupuje

Dne 25.1.2018 byl dr. Roey Angel hostem vysílání České televize. Vyjadřoval se k ekologické katastrofě mimořádného rozsahu, při které...


Časopis Vesmír: rozhovor s Hanou Šantrůčkovou

V časopise Vesmír č. 4/2018 vyšel rozhovor s profesorkou Hanou Šantrůčkovou, zakladatelkou katedry biologie ekosystémů Přírodovědecké...



Pátek 18. května 2018  8:30 - 14:00 BIOLOGICKÉ CENTRUM AV ČR pořádá při příležitosti Mezinárodního dne pro biologickou diverzitu...


Očima Josefa Klímy: řepka v ČR

Prof. Jan Frouz v publicistickém pořadu Očima Josefa Klímy v neděli 13. 5. 2018 k tématu pěstování řepky v České republice. Záznam...



Saturday 19 May 2018 12:00–17:00 Garden of the Biology Centre CAS, Na Sádkách 7, České Budějovice Open to all curious explorers from 1 to...


Comparison of the impacts of acid and nitrogen additions on carbon fluxes in European conifer and broadleaf forests

For details see: Oulehle F., Tahovská K., Chuman T., Evans C., D., Hruška J., Růžek M., Bárta, J., 2018: Comparison of the impacts of acid and...


New laboratories for the research of soil and water interactions

On Friday 1st June 2018, new laboratories for the research of soil and water interactions were set up in the building of the Biology Centre CAS at...


Aktuální téma: mikroplasty v přírodě

Prof. Tomáš Cajthaml hostem hlavního zpravodajského vysílání ČT24 k problematice plastů a mikroplastů v našem životním prostředí....


Životodárné katastrofy. Příroda je závislá na výbuších sopek jako Kilauea

Prof. Jan Frouz, director of SoWa Research Infrastructure, interviewed by Czech Television, talking about the eruption of Kilkauea in...


SoWa v médiích: Vědci budou zkoumat půdu rozebranou na mikročástice

Články v Českobudějovickém deníku a Budějcké drbně - reportáž z otvírání nových...


Veronika Jílková získala Prémii Otto Wichterleho

Veronika Jílková, působící na Ústavu půdní biologie a Výzkumné infrastruktuře SoWa, získala prestižní cenu pro vědce do pětatřiceti...


New Instrumentation – Realization of the SoWa IRMS Facility

SoWa scientists are now installing a ThermoFisher Scientific MAT253 Plus Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer with continuous flow connections to four...


Respekt: Zhoubný postřik před soudem

Podle rozhodnutí kalifornské justice přípravek k hubení rostlin glyfosát přispívá ke vzniku rakoviny. V českém zemědělství se přitom...


Jak dostupnost živin ovlivňuje primární produkci v ekosystémech?

Myšlenka této studie začala s vášnivou diskusí o významu nedostatku fosforu (P) pro růst rostlin a rozvoj mikroorganismů v půdách...


Noc vědců 5. 10. 2018

Bojíte se tmy, parazitů, nebo šílených vědců? Přiveďte své děti, rodiče, kamarády a známé a přijďte se 5.10. nebát s...


Lidové noviny: Čím si topí mravenci?

V příloze Lidových novin Pátek (12.10) vychází rozsáhlý rozhovor s Veronikou Jílkovou z Biologického centra AV ČR. Mluví v něm...


Photogenic science

Photo "More beautiful than in the aquarium" from Lukáš Vejřík of the Biology Centre got 2nd place in photographic competition Photogenic science...


Project OP VVV: Research of soil and water ecosystems

"Many experts are of the opinion that each soil has some limit of organic matter, and if we get below this threshold, the soil will start cascading...


Roundtable discussion: Perspectives of Czech Science

The Science Campus in České Budějovice will host a roundtable discussion entitled “Perspectives of Czech Science: Coming to the Czech Republic...


Booming boat for fish-friendly research

Our new booming boat type MS Boat S500WT arrived a few days ago. The boat will be used mainly for inshore electrofishing on large standing waters....


Lukáš Vejřík získal Cenu Zdeňka Veselovského

Lukáš Vejřík became the winner of the Zdeněk Veselovský Prize for the best student publication in the field of ethology for 2018 for a study...


New position: PhD student in millipede microbiome metagenome and functions

A full-time PhD position is open at the Soil and Water Research Infrastructure at the Biology Centre, CAS in Budweis, Czechia to study the...


Great success of SoWa researchers in the Czech Science Foundation competition

For the year 2019, SoWa researchers achieved excellent results in the Czech Science Foundation competition (GA CR). Petr Porcal and Eva Kaštovská...


Soil Fauna Can Support Both Litter Decomposition And Soil Organic Matter Accumulation

Populárně naučný web Scienece trends přinesl shrnutí článku Jana Frouze o roli půdní fauny v chování ekosystémů, který vyšel v...


Fully funded, 3-year PhD position in soil organic Carbon dynamics

The PhD study will be conducted at the Institute for Environmental Studies, Faculty of Sciences at the Charles University in Prague, practical work...


Video: Why soil and water interactions are so important

Meet our researchers and PhD students. SoWa RI is focused on detailed investigation of all biotic and abiotic processes and interactions between soil...


ČT24 – Questions of Václav Moravec: Climate!

Guests on the journalistic program Questions of Vaclav Moravec on CT24 17th March 2019 were Minister of the Environment Richard Brabec, Director of...


Pedologické dny 2019

Conference focus: Soil functions in Ecosystems Srní 11. - 13. 9. 2019 Scope of the conference At present, soils are under strong anthropogenic...


Diversity Day 2019

We cordially invite you to the Diversity Day organized by the Biology Centre together with partners on Saturday, 18th May, from 12 am to 5 pm in...


LIFE-IP:N2K Revisited

Od ledna 2019 se výzkumná infrastruktura SoWa podílí na Integrovaném projektu LIFE pro soustavu Natura 2000 v České republice. Osmiletý...


Fully funded master position in Environmental Microbiology

Description There is a fully funded MSc position available starting in early 2020 at the Soil and Water Research Infrastructure, Biology Centre CAS...


CT1: Climate Change

The main news session of the Czech Television last night was focused on the topic of climate change. Participated in it also Jan Frouz, director of...


Experimental catchment – a unique research area will enable to study processes in the landscape

Scientists from the SoWa Research Infrastructure of the The Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences ceremonially opened a unique research...


Expert on ecosystem processes in soil and water responsible for ecosystem services provisioning

A full-time postdoctoral position at the SoWa Research Infrastructure at the Biology Centre CAS Expert on ecosystem processes in soil and water...


Expert on creating databases and advanced data evaluation

A part-time postdoctoral position at the SoWa Research Infrastructure at the Biology Centre CAS Expert on creating databases and advanced data...


ČT24 – Hell of Fire in Australia

Professor Frouz, the director of Research Infrastructure SoWa, was a guest of the CT24 news program 90´  ČT24 on Monday January 6, 2020, which...


Studio 6 – Restoration of Australian nature

Professor Frouz, the director of Research Infrastructure SoWa, was a guest of the Czech Television news program Studio 6, where the restoration of...


New SoWa projects for 2020-2023

For the years 2020 - 2023, SoWa Research Infrastructure achieved excellent results in EIG CONCERT-Japan competition and the Technology Agency of the...


Marine waste management: recycling efficiency by marine microbes

It was only relatively recently that tiny, single-celled thaumarchaea were discovered to exist and thrive in the pelagic ocean, where their...


SoWa Profile Video

SoWa Profile - Soil and Water Research Infrastructure...


ČT24 – Questions of Václav Moravec: What and who destroys Czech forests?

On July 19, 2020, prof. Jan Frouz, director of SoWa Research Infrastructure, commented on the issue of bark beetles in Czech forests in the TV...


Umělecko-vědecký workshop pro stabilní izotopovou hmotnostní spektrometrii / Art-Science workshop for stable isotope mass spectrometry

ČSSI 2020: Umělecko-vědecký workshop pro stabilní izotopovou hmotnostní spektrometrii / Art-Science workshop for stable isotope mass...


Great Success of SoWa researchers in the Czech Science Foundation competition (GA CR)

For the year 2021,  SoWa Dr. Gerrit Angst and Dr. Travis Meador were awarded with 2 standard grants in the Czech Science Foundation competition (GA...


Three representatives of SoWa consortium belong to 2% of the most cited scientists in the world.

Three representatives of SoWa consortium Prof. Tomáš Cajthaml,  Prof. Jan Frouz and Prof. Hana Šantrůčková belong to 2% of the most cited...


Mini conference in microbial ecology

Announcement for a mini conference in microbial ecology What: Mini conference in microbial ecology When: June 28 - June 29 Where:...


International Conference: Forest and Landscape Restoration of Post-mining Sites

The Charles University Environment centre organized 3rd conference about Forest and landscape restoration in post mining sites which will be held 3rd...


Life is Science – New Video about SoWa (only in czech)

In the next part of the program Life is Science from South Bohemian Television, we will look at scientists from SoWa - Research...


Studio ČT24 – Parts of the Amazon rainforest are now emitting more CO2 than they absorb

On July 18, 2021, prof. Jan Frouz, director of SoWa Research Infrastructure, commented on the issue "carbon dioxide emission and absorption in the...


One Nature project at the Země živitelka 2021 exhibition.

Jan Frouz presented the One Nature project at the Země živitelka 2021 exhibition. Jan Frouz prezentoval projekt Jedna příroda na výstavě...


Applied Ecology – authored by Prof. Frouz and Dr. Jaroslava Frouzová [UPDATED]

On Wednesday 8 September 2021, Prof. Bedřich Moldan launched the book „Applied Ecology“, authored by Prof. Frouz and Dr. Jaroslava...


On September 22, 2021 Assoc. Prof Dr. Josef Matěna passed away

On September 22, 2021 Assoc. Prof Dr. Josef Matěna passed away. He was a long term director of Institute of Hydrobiology and our fellow co-worker,...


Applied Ecology by Jan Frouz and Jaroslava Frouzova now in English

Book Applied ecology by Jan Frouz and Jaroslava Frouzova, published in Czech by Karolinum Press, Charles University has been published in English by...


The IRMS & Organic Geochemistry lab welcomes intern Anna Mičanová

The SoWa IRMS & Organic Geochemistry lab welcomes intern Anna Mičanová. Anna has joined our group via the Open Science program of the Czech...


All the world’s a stage – of organic matter degradation: a Czech-French Mobility Project

BC-CAS researchers Travis Meador and Marek Kopáček recently initiated a Czech-French collaborative study, entitled Peat Hydrogen and Oxygen...


The SoWa IRMS & Organic Geochemistry lab proudly congratulates Laura Nübl on defending her bachelor thesis

The SoWa IRMS & Organic Geochemistry lab proudly congratulates Laura Nübl on defending her bachelor thesis at University of South...


The new sediment web available

Long-lasting collaboration among researchers and commercial companies laid the foundations for the web establishment (czech...


Ph.D, student Astolfo Valero awarded with best poster presentation award at ISMET8

Ph.D, student Astolfo Valero awarded with best poster presentation award at ISMET8 Congratulations...


The 2nd meeting of the Czech Society for Stable Isotopes (ČSSI)

Dear colleagues, Several stable isotope researchers have planned to meet in České Budějovice this December, and we thought this would be a great...


SOWA and ISBB congratulate high school intern Anna Mičanová

SOWA and ISBB congratulate high school intern Anna Mičanová for her outstanding work and presentation of her project “South Bohemian Carbon...